The first pillar of Aquila Capital’s Tortona Green Logistics Park is laid

- The event was attended by the mayor of Tortona, Federico Chiodi, Andrea Menechini, Senior Project Development Manager of Aquila Capital, and Valentino Chiarparin, Country Manager of GSE Italia
- Tortona Green Logistics Park, a 51,600 square metre state-of-the-art warehouse built on a 130,000 square metre site – the first step of the Tortona Green Logistics Park – is taking shape, following the criteria of sustainability and energy efficiency.
- The project is managed by Green Logistics by Aquila Capital in partnership with CONFLUENCE, assisted by the designers of SFRE and AZETA. GSE is in charge of the construction
Green Logistics by Aquila Capital, the development division of Aquila Capital dedicated to logistics in Europe, GSE Italia, a construction company operating as a General Contractor, and the Municipality of Tortona took part in the laying ceremony of the first pillar of Tortona Green Logistics Park. This is a 51,600 square metre warehouse, which represents the first phase of construction of the Tortona Green Logistics Park, a 395,000 square metre logistics hub located in Tortona, Piedmont. This is the first of two buildings with a usable commercial area of approximately 155,000 square metres.
The Tortona Green Logistics Park, like all Aquila Capital’s logistics projects, is developed following strict standards of energy efficiency and sustainability, which are pursued both in the supply chain and in the construction activity to reduce CO2 emissions. Tortona Logistics Park will feature a strong sustainability component, reducing environmental impact through the best design and application strategies in the field of self-powering and low environmental impact. Energy-efficient technological systems include the provision of a roof for photovoltaic systems with the aim of generating enough energy to meet part or all of the structure’s energy needs.
Federico Chiodi, the mayor of Tortona, added: “We are very pleased to be able to inaugurate the construction site today and hope to be able to meet up again as soon as possible for the start of the actual activity, which will be part of the city’s growth path that should bring development and jobs. I must of course thank Aquila Capital for choosing Tortona for this impressive site, as well as our municipal structure and Deputy Mayor Fabio Morreale, who have worked hard to make this project a reality“.
For his part, Andrea Menechini, Senior Project Development Manager of Aquila Capital, commented on the start of work as follows: “The laying of the first pillar symbolises the first step of Aquila Capital’s Green Logistics in Italy. With this project we wish to enter the Italian logistics market, benefitting from the local knowledge of our partners, but also contributing our know-how gained from projects already active in Germany, Spain and Portugal“.
The innovative logistics warehouse will be built on a multi-tenant basis to accommodate multiple tenants. The project includes a state-of-the-art turnkey logistics space, called ‘BigBox’, which can be built according to tenants’ needs and is expected to be completed in the third quarter of 2022.
The project has been developed in cooperation with Confluence, a leading logistics real estate developer, assisted by Sfre and Azeta designers. The project monitoring will be carried out by CBRE, a world leader in real estate consultancy, while the construction will be carried out by the Italian branch of GSE, a company with strong roots in European logistics.
Valentino Chiarparin, Country Manager of GSE Italy, commented: “We are honoured to have been chosen by Aquila Capital for their first realisation in Italy: for years, together with Confluence, we have been working to offer the territory and market operators a specialist service for the development of logistics parks and buildings at the cutting edge. We are therefore extremely pleased to be able to celebrate this moment today. I would like to thank Aquila Capital for the trust it has placed in us, the Municipality of Tortona and its efficient administration, and the design studios SFRE and AZETA for their highly professional contribution“.
The project is located in the municipality of Tortona in a key position due to its proximity to the A7 and A21 motorways, which offer excellent connections to Milan, Genoa and Turin.