Legal Disclaimer and Terms of Use

1. Name of the holder

This website, “GreenLogistics”, which is hosted at (hereinafter, the “Website”), has been designed, prepared, created and made publicly available by Aquila Sustainable Infrastructure Spain, S.A.U., Spanish Branch, (hereinafter, “AQUILA CAPITAL”), a commercial company with registered office at Paseo de la Castellana, 259D, Planta 15ª, 28046, Madrid, Spain and with Tax Code (NIF) A87709580. It is entered at Madrid Company Registry on Page 35.472, Volume 155, Sheet M-637.588.

You are hereby informed that AQUILA CAPITAL is a company that belongs to the Aquila Group.

The aim of this Website is to offer information on the products and services in the GreenLogistics range for which AQUILA CAPITAL acts as intermediary, as well as to provide channels through which Users who are interested in such products may remain in contact with AQUILA CAPITAL.

To report or resolve any incident or issue that may arise regarding access to and browsing the Website, or any matter relating to the content published on the Website, AQUILA CAPITAL hereby informs Users of the following direct and effective means of communication:

2. Purpose and applicable scope

This Legal Disclaimer and Terms of Use governs access to and use of the content offered by AQUILA CAPITAL via its Website.

However, AQUILA CAPITAL reserves the right to modify the presentation, configuration and content of the Website, as well as the conditions required for access and/or use. Access to and use of the content and services after any amendments or changes have come into force imply acceptance of those amendments and changes.

However, access to certain content and the use of certain services may be subject to Specific Terms and Conditions or General Contractual Terms and Conditions which, depending on the case, will replace, supplement and/or amend this Legal Disclaimer and Terms of Use. In the event of any contradiction, the Specific Terms and Conditions shall take precedence, while the General Contractual Terms and Conditions shall take precedence over the Legal Disclaimer and Terms of Use.

Relations with third parties that are advertised, promoted or represented via AQUILA CAPITAL’s GreenLogistics initiative will be governed by the specific conditions established between the User or the party that they represent or to which they provide services and the third party organisation with which they enter into a relationship.

Simply by accessing, browsing and using the Website, Users imply that they expressly and unreservedly accept all the terms and conditions of this Legal Disclaimer and Terms of Use.

In this regard, the term “User” shall be understood to mean any person who accesses, browses or views the content published on the Website and/or who provides personal data using the forms provided to this end on the Website.

3. Users and access

Access to the Website affords the status of User (hereinafter, “User”), and from the moment that they access and use the Website, Users accept the Terms of Use contained in this document.

In the event that access to and use of the Website makes this necessary, Users may have to provide their personal data in order to make use of the services offered via the Website. The processing of such data shall be limited in accordance with the provisions set out in the Privacy Policy document published on this Website.

4. Use of the website

AQUILA CAPITAL’s “GreenLogistics” Website contains information on the logistics developments and solutions that the company is involved in, together with information on a range of aspects relating to these developments and solutions (hereinafter, the “Content”), all of which may be accessed by Users.

Users undertake to make proper use of the Content and the services offered by AQUILA CAPITAL and, for non-limiting information purposes, they furthermore undertake not to use them (i) to engage in unlawful or illegal activities or any activities that are contrary to good faith and public order; (ii) to cause damage to the physical or logical systems of AQUILA CAPITAL, its suppliers or any third party, or to introduce or spread computer viruses in the network or any other physical or logical systems that are liable to result in the aforementioned damage.

Some of the Content published by AQUILA CAPITAL is the responsibility of third party companies or other organisations in the Aquila Group that are represented via the Website and the GreenLogistics initiative. Unless otherwise stated, the said content shall not constitute a pre-contractual offer by AQUILA CAPITAL, and Users accept that AQUILA CAPITAL has no liability for the damage of any kind that is caused as the result of a contractual or extra-contractual relationship between a User and the third party organisation to which it has been introduced by AQUILA CAPITAL.

Users hereby acknowledge and accept that any contractual relations that they may enter into, where applicable, with third party organisations contacted via AQUILA CAPITAL shall be understood to be made between the User in question, or the organisation that the User represents or to which it provides its services, and that third party organisation.

In any case, Users shall be solely and exclusively liable for any interactions that they may establish using this Website, and AQUILA CAPITAL does not assume any direct or indirect liability of any kind in this regard.

5. Personal data processing and Privacy Policy

The conditions governing any personal data processing that may result from use of the Website are set out in the Privacy Policy published on this Website.

6. Intellectual and industrial property

AQUILA CAPITAL or one of the companies in the Aquila Group, are the owners, either directly or as licensees, of all the intellectual and industrial property rights attached to their websites and to all the elements contained on those websites, which belong to AQUILA CAPITAL or its licensors.

All rights reserved.

The reproduction, distribution and public broadcast of all or some of the contents of this website for any purposes, including any method of making such content available, is expressly prohibited, regardless of the medium or technical means used, without authorisation from AQUILA CAPITAL. Users hereby undertake to respect the Intellectual Property Rights held by AQUILA CAPITAL.

Users shall refrain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protective device or security system that may have been installed on this website.

7. Exclusion of guarantees and liability

AQUILA CAPITAL cannot guarantee the reliability, use or veracity of the services, content or information offered via the Website.

As a consequence, AQUILA CAPITAL does not guarantee and shall not accept liability for: (i) the continuity of content on the Website; (ii) the absence of mistakes in the said content or products; (iii) the absence of viruses and/or other harmful components on the Website or the server on which it is hosted; (iv) the invulnerability of the Website and/or the unassailability of the security measures adopted; (v) the inoperability or lack of performance of the content and products offered on the Website; (vi) any harm or damage that may be caused, either to themselves or to any third party, by persons who infringe the terms and conditions, rules and instructions that AQUILA CAPITAL has established for its Website, or as the result of a violation of the Website’s security systems.

Nevertheless, AQUILA CAPITAL declares that it has taken all necessary measures, within its capabilities and the possibilities of current technology, to ensure the functioning of the website and to avoid the existence and transmission of viruses and other harmful components to Users.

If a User becomes aware of the existence of any content that is unlawful, illegal, contrary to the law or may represent an infringement of any intellectual and/or industrial property rights, he/she must immediately inform AQUILA CAPITAL so that it may proceed to adopt the relevant measures.

8. Modification of content, these terms and conditions and their duration

AQUILA CAPITAL reserves the right to make any changes to this Website that it deems appropriate, without prior notice, and it may change, delete or add to both the content and services offered via the Website and modify the way in which such content and services are presented or arranged on the Website.

AQUILA CAPITAL also reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Once modified, they shall be published on the Website.

These terms and conditions shall remain valid for as long as they are shown, and they shall remain in force until they are modified by other duly published terms and conditions.

9. Links

In the event that the Website offers links or hyperlinks to other Internet websites, AQUILA CAPITAL shall not exercise any kind of control over those sites and their content.

Under no circumstances shall AQUILA CAPITAL assume liability of any kind for the contents of a link belonging to another party’s Website, nor shall it guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, breadth, veracity, validity and constitutionality of any material or information contained in any of the links to other Internet websites.

Furthermore, the inclusion of these external links shall not imply any kind of association, merger or stakeholding with the organisations being linked to, unless expressly stated otherwise.

10. Right of exclusion and suspension of the service

AQUILA CAPITAL hereby reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to its Website and/or the services offered, without prior notice, either at its own discretion or at the request of a third party, for any Users who breach this Legal Disclaimer and Terms of Use.

AQUILA CAPITAL also reserves the right to suspend, modify, restrict or interrupt access, browsing, use, hosting and/or the downloading of Content and/or use of Website Services or any of the foregoing activities, either temporarily or permanently and with or without prior notice, whenever a User contravenes any of the terms set out in this Legal Disclaimer and Terms of Use, and Users shall not be able to demand compensation of any kind for this reason.

11. Miscellaneous

The headings to the different clauses have been included solely for information purposes and shall not affect, condition or extend an interpretation of the Legal Disclaimer and Terms of Use.

In the event of any discrepancy between the contents of this Legal Disclaimer and Terms of Use and the specific or general terms and conditions for each specific service or product for which GreenLogistics/AQUILA CAPITAL act as intermediary, the contents of the specific and/or general terms and conditions shall take precedence.

In the event that one or more of the provisions contained in this Legal Disclaimer and Terms of Use are considered by a Court, Tribunal or other competent administrative body to be null and void or inapplicable, whether wholly or in part, their nullity or inapplicability shall not affect the other provisions of the Legal Disclaimer and Terms of Use.

The failure by AQUILA CAPITAL to exercise any right or provision contained in this Legal Disclaimer and Terms of Use shall not represent a waiver thereof, unless AQUILA CAPITAL agrees to this in writing.

12. Applicable law and jurisdiction

Relations between AQUILA CAPITAL and Users shall be governed by current Spanish law, and any dispute shall be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid.